This movie was released in 2013. The story is a gorilla from Chinese circus who has amazing baseball batting talent who is recruited into Korean baseball team. It shows the relationship between weiwei (female character if I remembered the name correctly) with the gorilla.
Considering this was a collaboration between Korean and Chinese actors, I understand the language problem, but I was quite impressed with weiwei's acting while speaking Korean. Still the main point is supposed to be about the story for me. Maybe the story was trying to show Gorilla showing one sided love and care at the beginning and then weiwei realizes it? but I was confused as to whether the girl really saw Mr. Go as a family or a tool. There are mixed moments where she seems to care a lot, and other moments when she doesn't. Although the beginning of the story up to the mid was good, having an another gorilla who plays pitcher who is tamed simply by unleashing the chain was no good for me.
It seems like typical family movie which would have had more impact if I saw it in 3d, but there wasn't any shocking ending or twisted storyline which I adore.
If you want to see how they did the CG, go ahead, if you wanted to look for a good movie, I dunno.
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