Jul 23, 2014

In League of Legends, North America has been regarded as the weakest region. And unfortunately, the results in international competitions weren't in favor of NA either. Some of the reasons behind it, such as coaching staffs and practice regimens in Asia, were pointed out and many of them have been already incorporated in NA teams as well as EU teams. There has been a lot of international drafting in NA scene recently, such as Seraph and Helios from Korea, Dexter and Amazing from EU, and a whole team from China. Although people agree that general skill level in NA pro scene has increased, but the fact that Chinese team who wasn't the top team in Chinese league is in 1st place in NA brings more questions onto the table.

I will expand on one point that didn't get as much emphasis as other points in my opinion.

"No Trainee"

An infrastructure from Korea that has yet to be seen in NA is trainee system. It can be connected with solo que scene that is seen as less competitive compared to Korea as well. The environment that potential pro players play in is just not very comparable to what they will actually experience. The trainees are able to experience lifestyle and practice regimen that is close to the pro player while also learning from them side by side.

Some may say that playing in a regular ranked 5 team and participating in other tournaments regularly will give you that experience, but the problem is that the other infrastructures are not in place for these amateur teams. I would say the closest to this system would have been Cloud 9 Tempest which unfortunately didn't make it through the relegation tournament.

Some what, close to what I would like to see is A and B team for one organization, but with how LCS is set up, that doesn't seem like a huge possibility for a while. More professional players playing with an infrastructure in place will allow faster and more growth in NA. With different mindsets and cultural norms between Asia and NA, this may not even be a possibility, but with current progress and view of NA player pool, I don't think NA will be able sustain itself with star players.


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